Farmers are invited to tour wheat fields and estimate yields for the 2022/23 winter wheat crop during the Illinois Wheat Association’s annual Wheat Plot Tour on May 23.

The tour will include field checks during the day with a late afternoon reporting session at the Southern Illinois University Belleville Research Center, 2036 Charles Lane, Belleville, IL.

Tour participants will have an opportunity to view wheat variety and seed treatment trials at the Bellville Center, as well as listen to scouting results and the wheat yield estimates.

Those interested in participating in wheat plot tour data collection should plan to meet at their tour group’s location by 9 a.m. on May 23.

Participants are asked to call one of the four following crop scouting group leaders in advance to confirm involvement and meeting location the day of the tour:

Those wishing to take samples on their own and join the groups at the Belleville Research Center at 4 p.m., please contact the IWA for yield measurement instructions to ensure sampling procedures are consistent.

The event will conclude with a tour of the SIU research plots, presentations from morning tour leaders discussing their findings, and a group dinner.

Guest speakers include Dr. Ahmad Fakhour, professor with SIU Carbondale Crop, Soils & Environmental Management program, and Dr. Jessica Rutkoski, assistant professor of small grains breeding with University of Illinois.

Participants are asked to RSVP for the tour and group dinner by May 15.

For more information or to register, click here.