Executives from top flour milling companies in Japan visited the Arlington, Virginia, office of U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) April 26. It was part of an annual trade mission seeking updates on the U.S. wheat crop and trade policy issues.

Starting in the Nation’s Capital

Made up of members of the Japanese Flour Millers Association (JFMA), the team also visited USDA offices. One stop included a meeting with Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Daniel Whitley. The East Coast visit included a stop at the Japanese Embassy in Washington, D.C.

The team then traveled to Oregon for a briefing from USW’s West Coast Office in Portland.

Valued Updates on U.S. Wheat

In Arlington, USW President Vince Peterson, Vice President of Policy Dalton Henry and Director of Trade Policy Peter Laudeman answered questions from some of U.S. wheat’s biggest customers. According to USW Japan Country Director Rick Nakano, the participating companies represent 80% of the Japanese wheat flour market.

“It is a trip that these executives look forward to each year because it offers them an opportunity to see many aspects of the U.S. wheat industry and discuss things face-to-face,” Nakano said. “The members return to Japan and share the things they learned in the various meetings.”

Henry said USW is always eager to provide updates and interact with JFMA members – be it in Japan or here in the U.S.

“The milling executives are always interested in U.S. wheat production and exploring our attitudes and opinions on biotechnology. This includes gene-edited wheat and drought-resistant wheat,” Henry said. “These are topics that get a lot of attention in ag media and other channels. So it’s important for us to have these in-person meetings to discuss what is happening. We are partners, so it is good to have these discussions on a regular basis.”

Moving on to the West Coast . . .

USW staff in Portland provided updates on the wheat crop in the Pacific Northwest. The Japanese team then had meetings with the Oregon Wheat Commission, and the Wheat Marketing Center (WMC). Visits with traders and exporters across the region followed.

At the WMC, Executive Director Mike Moran gave a tour of the facility. The group had the opportunity to learn about the different pilot lines in the WMC’s Innovation Lab, along with looks inside the Analytical Lab and Baking Lab.

The JFMA team returned to Japan on May 1.

“The team is very appreciative of the continued partnership and the support from U.S. wheat industry,” Nakano said as the Oregon portion of the visit ended. “We pack a lot into a short period of time, and there is a lot of travel, but the flour millers always leave the U.S. with a lot of good information to take home to their businesses.”