Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Bill Wentz, Ag Express

Company: Ag Express

Position: Regional Sales Specialist

Born: Nov. 7 in Marion, IN.

Years with company/industry: 2/10.

Family: Wife, Lori; daughter, Dashia; bonus children, Lila and Sam.

Education: Eastbrook High School.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Spending time with family.

Favorite sport team: Fort Wayne Komets minor league hockey team.

Favorite places to eat on the road: Home-style diners.

Favorite vacation spot: Tennessee.

Best mentor: My father, Levon, for his work ethic. My wife, Lori, for her ability to care for every animal she comes across.

If I wasn’t in the grain industry, I would: Open an animal rescue, own a 50s-style drive-in diner, or do missionary work.

Favorite quote: “Give more than you expect to receive in return”.

From July/August 2022 Grain Journal Issue

In This Issue

Grain Journal July August 2022

View this review and more in the Grain Journal July August 2022 magazine.