Supplier Profile
Bill Wood | Regional Sales Manager | Mathews Company

Company: Mathews Company

Position: Regional Sales Manager

Born: April 9 in Whitewater, WI.

Years with company/industry: 6/12.

Family: Wife, Heidi; daughter, Grace; son, Nathan.

Education: Bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Favorite hobbies/interests: I enjoy working outdoors at home, landscaping, etc., as well as most things automotive and motorcycle touring.

Favorite sports team: Green Bay Packers.

Favorite place to eat on the road: Texas Roadhouse.

Favorite vacation spot: Cumberland Island, GA. Wild horses are awe inspiring.

Best mentor: Teddy Roosevelt knew how to get things done. He overcame adversity and created the National Parks.

Favorite quote: “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.” -Yogi Berra.