Supplier Profile
Bob Klare | Manager-Industrial Division | EDG

Company: EDG

Position: Manager-Industrial Division

Born: Aug. 12 in Minneapolis, MN.

Years with company/industry: 6/28.

Family: Sons, Robert and William.

Education: Ohio University, Athens.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Car racing and backpacking.

Favorite sports teams: Boston Bruins and New Orleans Saints.

Favorite place to eat on the road: Seither’s Seafood, Harahan, LA.

Favorite vacation spot: Belize.

Best mentor: Warren Duffy, ADM, taught me and a whole generation of managers how to do their jobs, and he never let anyone get away with low effort.

If I wasn’t in the grain industry, I would: Be able to bring my work boots in the house, not have a wall of GEAPS plaques as my Zoom background, and retire to South America.

Originally published in the July/August 2021 Grain Journal