Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Darin Schoonover, AgriSphere, LLC

Company: AgriSphere, LLC

Position: Customer Relations Manager

Born: Aug. 16 in Decatur, IL.

Family: Wife, Meredith.

Years with company/industry: 1/10.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship and information technology from Millikin University, Decatur.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Basketball, racing, movies, and spending time with friends and family.

Favorite sports teams: Fighting Illini basketball and St. Louis Cardinals.

Favorite place to eat on the road: Chick-Fil-A.

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with a beach and good food.

Best mentor: My father, Rick, has shown me through my daily life how to stay true to myself and what I believe in.

From November/December 2021 Grain Journal Issue

In This Issue

Grain Journal November December 2021

View this review and more in the Grain Journal November December 2021 magazine.