Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Ed Mlotek, Repco

Company: Repco

Position: Vice President Sales & Marketing

Born: April 11 in Chicago, IL.

Years with company/industry: 2.5/30+.

Family: Spouse, Denise; sons, Andrew and Michael.

Education: Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Loyola University Chicago.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Family activities, health and fitness, bicycling, fishing, golf, and college football.

Favorite places to eat on the road: Farm-to-table restaurants.

Favorite vacation spots: Elkhart Lake, WI; New Buffalo, MI; Bonita Springs, FL.

Favorite quote: “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

From Third Quarter 2021 Grain Journal Issue