Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Rich DeGenova, Ag Express

Company: Ag Express

Position: Eastern Regional Sales Specialist

Born: July 26 in Barnesville, OH.

Years with company/industry: 2/18.

Family: Wife, Brandy; son, Gian; daughter, Addison.

Education: Associate degree from Belmont College, St. Clairsville, OH.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Listening to music and deejaying as DJ Richie D for 30-plus years. I like the Texas music scene, red dirt, and 90s country and blues.

Favorite sport teams: Ohio State Buckeyes and Pittsburgh Steelers.

Favorite places to eat on the road: Dive bars.

Favorite vacation spot: Maderia Beach, FL; Chesapeake Bay region; and Las Vegas, NV.

Best mentor: Coach Stank from high school basketball – his support is still there to this day. While we didn’t see eye-to-eye back in the day, we do now, and I appreciate him.

If I wasn’t in the grain industry, I would: Be in the environmental world and stressed out or in sales. I like the road and the people I meet.

From July/August 2022 Grain Journal Issue

In This Issue

Grain Journal July August 2022

View this review and more in the Grain Journal July August 2022 magazine.