Company: Dependable Conveyor System

Position: CEO

Born: Nov. 7 in New South Wales, Australia.

Years with company/industry: 1/40.

Family: Wife, Stacey Cooper.

Education: La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Golfing, fishing, and cricket.

Favorite sport team: Collingwood Football Club.

Favorite thing to eat on the road: Fried chicken in Louisiana.

Favorite vacation spot: Hawaii.

Best mentor: Graham Harvey opened a significant number of opportunities for me when I was in my late 20s and early 30s. He mentored me to become a senior manager with responsibilities for a number of sites and a work force of 500-plus employees.

If I wasn’t in the grain industry, I would: Be farming, a robotic integrator, or in food manufacturing.

From September/October 2022 Grain Journal Issue

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