State Harvest Percent Complete
2023 Crop
Texas 100%
Oklahoma 100%
Kansas 100%
Colorado 100%
Nebraska 100%
Wyoming 100%
South Dakota 100%
Montana 93%
Idaho 93%
Washington 96%
Oregon 100%
State Planting Percent Complete
2024 Crop
Texas 0%
Oklahoma 0%
Kansas 1%
Colorado 1%
Nebraska 5%
Wyoming 0%
South Dakota 8%
Montana 1%
Idaho 1%
Washington 10%
Oregon 0%
- Oklahoma — Hot and dry. 36% moderate – exceptional drought. Cool front yesterday, back to 105 today. 50-60% chance of rain (1-3 inches). 80 temps forecast. Planting est. September 25 (normal time).
- Nebraska — Mid-upper 90s. Cold front – mid-70s next week. Planting started. NASS 2%, est. 5- 7%. Acres expected to maintain/slight increase (Central/Eastern NE). Seed availability in areas limited, high seed cost. Scattered statewide precipitation forecast next week.
- Colorado — NASS 1% Monday. Est. closer to 10%. Most of state planting next week. Cooler temperatures and chances of rain are in the 10-day forecast, good conditions. High temps past month dried out the topsoil, but subsoil moisture is still decent.
- Minnesota — Surpassed 5-year average for harvest. 85% harvested. Finishing up this week. Good quality. Yield unexpectedly very good. Some areas missed rain, overall est. above average. Average protein. Protein discounts.
- North Dakota — Slightly behind. Spring wheat 2/3rd, durum 1⁄2. Better harvest conditions past week, shorter harvest days. Spring - better than expected yields. Average crop, variable. Some lower protein areas (Western ND), otherwise average. Great TW, some lower vitreous samples. Durum – decent yields, variable. Color/quality/TW good, some damaged samples. Damp mornings slowing progress. Seeing discounts below 13.
- Montana — Winter 93% harvested. 48-51 bu/ac, 11.8% protein, pockets of lower pro. 80 MLN bushel crop. Great tradeable crop. Spring 85% harvested, variable. Protein highly variable, est. sub 14 pro crop. Isolated sprout damaged pockets. Dry, some winter wheat seeding. Durum 83% harvested. Possible increase in planted winter wheat acres depending on moisture.
- Idaho — Non-stop raining. 2/3rd harvested spring, winter not complete. Higher elevation not getting in fields for est. 2 weeks. Wheat that was harvested before the rain has been excellent quality, average protein, slightly lower TW. Southern ID, Past 2-3 weeks harvested/higher elevations, coming in with some sprout damage/mold. Last harvested crop struggling. Hot/dry weather forecast. N. ID mostly harvested, good quality. Slightly lower TW, decent yields.
- Washington — Wrapping up harvest. Very dry. 15% planted (winter), but re-planting – soil moisture is so low/plants struggling to emerge. Topsoil/subsoil 48% very short. Slightly declining protein avg. as harvest progressed. Not as much range in protein. USDA 2 MLN MT lower protein in storage.
- Tyllor Ledford/USW — Hearing discounts for 13.5, 14.5 premiums. 60 cent spread.
- WMC — Week 7 — 38 samples from WA. Total 349 SW samples (90% of expected). Data similar to last week. Average protein 11.1%, protein range large for certain areas (ex-District 8: 7.3 – 14.8%). Normal farinograph and SRC profiles. Club avg. 10.6%. Next week final report. Not expecting further changes to protein avg.
Physical Characteristics
Samples | Exp | MST | Pro% | DKG | TKW | FN | Grade | Test Weight | FM | DMG | S&B | DEF |
462 | 474 | 11.7 | 12.7 | 0.8 | 29.9 | 365 | 2 | 59.8 | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.6 |
Sample collection is complete. The final data for physical characteristics will be completed this week and reported on the next report. Weighting factors will be applied, and data will change.
Composites Milled | Extraction % |
63 | 75.93 |
Samples | Flour Ash (14% mb) | FARINO Abs (14% mb) | ALVEO P (mm) | ALVEO L (mm) | ALVEO W (mm) | MIXO Water Abs(14% mb) |
63 | .54 | 57.8 | 77.4 | 108.1 | 261.9 | 64.6 |
Baking Characteristics
Samples | Mix Time(min) | Bake Absorption(14% mb) | Loaf Volume(cc) | Crumb Grain(1-10) | Crumb Texture(1-10) |
63 | 4.05 | 64.5 | 923.7 | 5.8 | 6.3 |
**The data is a straight average of all the samples that have been tested. Due to rounding and when weighting factors are applied, this data will change.**
Above maps courtesy of PGI